Notes for a 'Year in review'
Afghanistan, Africa, Antonov, Baku, Bayraktar...and the Weirdest.esjr, Saturday, 01 Jan 2022 @ 20:27
Afghanistan : obviously but also "the end of the US combat mission in Iraq".
Africa : Where a lot of 'Afghanistan' has moved. Djibouti of course and the land of the "blue people" : the Bamako, Niamey and N'Djamena axis.
C17s at DR01
Antonov : Afghanistan, SALIS, the West African Bamako and Niamey routes and Mriya's near daily COVID trips.
Not Antonov, but where it goes other Ukranian and Azerbaijani airlines follow : it is amazing how much NATO military gear depends on being flown around in ex-Soviet machines.
Baku : a hub for :
  • feeders : Silk 747s (Europe, Azia) and a fleet of 747s from smaller/special operators (Europe, Middle-East, Africa)
  • heavies : (Middle-East, Africa) Silk IL76s and fleet of ex-Soviet machines of smaller/special operators
  • Afghanistan : Silk Way Wests 747s and Baku 'heavies'.
  • Antonov
Bayraktar : Apart from Turkey TB2s
appeared in Other countries with TB2s would appear to include (in alphabetical order) And odd ones
Dakar : Transit point : CFC, RRR, FAF/CMT, Baku 'heavies'
Weirdest : Three 747s flying potatoes.