Ilyushin Il-76TD-90VD

 Russian Federation
Transport - Cargo - Charter

28 February 2023
13:22 UTC

Destination : AQ01
Elevation : 6m / 20ft

CommentSecond delivery -- that we know of -- to the South Pole in as many days.
What's going on in Penguinland ?
If this were a 'regular' base one would imagine one delivery of supplies per x time would be the norm. Two in two days appears to suggest there's more going on.
On top of that it is the same aircraft so the supplies, whatever they are, can't be flying in from Russia.
The timing is also suggestive as Russian, South Africa and a few smaller nations are holding a naval exercise off the South-African coast.
What's the story here ?
Time to check out Drúzhnaya 4.

13:22 UTC